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This post comes as a result of the following daily meditation I just read from the book 365 TAO, Daily Meditations by Deng Ming-Dao.  The meditation reads, 


The more you cultivate,

The more you accomplish.

Why doubt?

When distance separates you from others,

They cannot overtake you.

In the beginning of training, it may seem as if you are doing very little.  You compare yourself to your teachers and to more  accomplished people, and you may despair at ever reaching their levels.  But if you are diligent, then it is inevitable that you will make something of yourself.  Once you reach such a plateau, you will be able to relax a bit and contemplate where you are on your journey.  

Once of the most refreshing things to realize is that you now have something that no one can take away from you.  Spirituality is yours to keep, yours to touch.  No one else can gain access to it, yet this precious accomplishment can sustain and guide you.  It will give you increased health, and it will give you knowledge that you could not gain through normal means.  Once you tap into this source, you have gained a foothold on the spiritual path.  

Uncertainty will not plague you.  Who can argue with you?  You have seen it yourself.  So once you have reached this milestone on your journey, it is proper to rejoice a little, indulge in a little contentment.  Then take up the journey once again.”

After I finished reading this daily meditation, I felt a renewed sense of purpose.  This passage really spoke to me and I wanted to record my thoughts to share in the hope that at least one person will read and gain meaning from my words.

I learned about the Tao when I began to listen to Dr. Wayne Dyer.  Although Dr. Dyer is no longer with us, his words remain available to anyone that wants to expand their mind.  He wrote many books, made a movie and spoke in numerous venues throughout his career.  If you are ever compelled to indulge in his teachings, please treat yourself to his audio books and definitely watch his movie, “The Shift.”  It is available on YouTube and is really worth your time, if you’re at that place in your life where it will resonate with you.

I’ve learned over the years that the Universe will place teachers and lessons in your path when you most need them and are most ready for them.  Case in point, I have been spiritual to some degree for most of my life, but only learned about Dr. Dyer in the past year.  I could say I wish I had discovered his teachings earlier, but they probably wouldn’t have meant as much to me as they do now.

I have also learned that our lives on Earth are solely to advance our soul. Our souls have to accomplish lessons sufficient to advance to their next level on the Other Side. Our existence here is an integral part of every soul’s path. Earth is described in spiritual teachings as the learning place. Some call it Hell (I know I have many times). Whatever you call it, just know that any time you experience synchronicity, deja vu or those moments when things happen that you just can’t explain, there are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. We may or may not know what that reason is, but if we just have faith, it will all work out for the best. It is impossible to rush things or make things happen, because if you try too hard, you’re just wasting your energy. You would be better served to sit back and let things happen as they are meant to. I’ve learned that lesson many times over, but sometimes I’m just too stubborn to let it play out. And when that rushing happens on my part, I always experience some form of regret.

Just know that when teachers are put in your path, you are ready for what they have to offer. Open your mind to new things and enjoy the lessons.  Never stop learning. Never stop accomplishing.

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